
 This is my final project:

Here is the picture of myself for it:

My inspiration: 

I decided to do something regarding COVID-19 because it is a genuine issue in the world right now. Many people do not follow the rules, and this results in the pandemic lasting longer. If we all followed the rules, kept six feet apart, wore our masks indoors and even outdoors, and stayed home whenever necessary, our situation would be doing much better than what it actually is. People seem to have forgotten the reality of the world and are acting as if nothing matters anymore. I hope that my poster inspires people to "just wear it" because that is the least they can do. I think I did an excellent job because my propaganda looks like the picture my roommate took of me. I did the word "wear" in a different color, so it stands out. I also got inspired by Nike because they say, "just do it." It should not be that complicated to follow the rules and do what is right. I know we can do it. 


  1. I seriously love how your poster turned out! The portrait of you came out nicely and I love the details you put into the piece which really makes it stand out. For example, your nails matching the lettering adds a special touch. The stars on your mask was a really creative way of incorporating your color scheme and it made your masky look super trendy... i'd wear it for sure!

    1. Thank you so much, Mia! Hahaha, I like the mask too!

  2. Alexia, I really enjoy your poster. I love the message and the color scheme. Its so fun to look at and I like the "Just wear it." I find myself saying this to my friends when they are complaining about wearing a mask and it reminds me of Nike's "Just do it." Overall, really great job!

    1. Thank you Valicia! I say that to my friends too! I appreciate your comment :)

  3. Alexa, I was so happy to see someone else make their propaganda poster on wearing a mask. You did a great job and I think it was super creative to add the nike slogan. Not only did you execute characterizing yourself, but I also think you did a good job with your color suggestions. The background complements you face and your text stands out. Great job!

    1. Thanks Tyler! I like how your project was also related to COVID-19. People may think using this topic is basic because everyone is talking about it, but that is the point. It has to be talked about because it is such a real issue.


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